
Monday, June 1, 2009

Big Brother is Coming!

Ripped right from the files of, "You can't make this up!" comes the latest assault of Government intervention. It appears that questionnaires are being sent to select U.S. households that ask some highly personal and sensitive questions.

The 2009 American Community Survey, an annual supplement to the decennial Census, asks about residents' personal relationships and whether a home has hot and cold running water, a flush toilet, bathing facilities, appliances and phone services. It also asks how many rooms are in a home and what vehicles are used at each household.
The new questionnaire asks respondents what they pay for electricity, gas, water and sewer every month and whether residents receive food stamps.

And lest you be tempted to simply throw it in the trash and say, "I ain't telling Obama a dang thing!" should know that such behavior may have a cost attached to it;

While many recipients may consider the questionnaire to be tedious and meddling, the Census Bureau warns that citizens are required by law to complete it and may be fined as much as $5,000 for willfully refusing. While an individual may feel uneasy about answering each question truthfully, the fine for filing false information can be as much as $500.

Read full article here;

Does anyone else feel like this has all come upon us like a flood? It seems like just a few years ago we were all building our dream homes, leasing our new SUV's and planning our Mexican cruises....and now we are wondering if America (as we have known it) is even going to be recognizable?

Hat tip to Lisa H. !

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