
Monday, June 1, 2009

Aliens Are Our Brothers

According to the chief astronomer of the Catholic church, if their are intelligent creatures from other planets, they would all be created by God....hence they would all be our brothers. What????

“Just as we consider earthly creatures as 'a brother,' and 'sister,' why should we not talk about an 'extra-terrestrial brother'? It would still be part of creation,” said Funes. “Thinking otherwise would be like ‘putting limits’ on God’s omnipotence.”

Read short article here;

So Mr. Astronomer...a few questions please....Is Lucifer a created being of God? Likewise are demons created beings of God?? And finally, are the angels who rebelled with Lucifer created beings of God?? If you answer yes to those questions....then do you believe it would be a good thing to call Satan, his demons and all the fallen angels, our "brothers"? And finally...what if Satan (disguised as an angel of light and called the "Prince of the air") showed up on planet earth with a bunch of his fallen angels and they were all masquerading as nice, brotherly beings from the far distant planet call Nirubu....would you simply believe all that they were saying...even when it flat out contradicts the Word of God?

"The road to destruction is wide...and many will be on it. The road to life is narrow. Stay on the narrow road."

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