
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Powder Keg of Unrest

As we have said, many people from all around the world from all different walks of life, know that something big is going on....they just don't know what it is or what might be causing it. But whatever it is leading to social unrest....which is always a precursor to war.

LONDON (AFP) — The world is sitting on a "powder keg" of social unrest, which risks exploding as human rights are eroded by the global economic slowdown, Amnesty International warned.

As well as national and regional problems, Amnesty also highlighted wider global problems, including food shortages which leave one billion people hungry or malnourished.
Growing unemployment, as the global economic suddenly contracts after a prolonged boom in many of the richest countries in the world, only adds to the crisis.

Read full article here;

To me and many, it appears obvious that things aren't looking so good for planet earth. Mankind seems to be at his wits end to fix the mounting problems that all seem to be happening at once.

Some have asked why I post all this dire news about floods, earthquakes, death, wars, etc... They want to know why I don't post about all the happy, positive things that are happening on planet earth and try to have some balance.

My first response is that Jesus told us to "watch" for a certain set and series of events. And if we claim to be followers of Jesus....we should be obedient to carefully do as he says. This will help to keep us on the narrow path, that so few will be on.

So, if Jesus had told us to watch for new sports stadiums being built, national health care being constructed, all sorts of life improving technologies, justice increasing all over the world, life expectancy increases, etc.... I would certainly be posting those items.

But obviously, that's not what Jesus said. He said to watch for wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, strange things in the skies, famines, pestilence and most important....keep your eye on Israel and Jerusalem. And friends, I don't think believe this is a drill. I believe it's the real thing and that some day soon, "Two men will be standing in a field. One will be taken one will be left".

What an exciting time if you know you will be the one taken....and what a terrifying time is coming for those who will be left behind. This should excite us, quicken our spirits and also give us an extreme sense of urgency to snatch people from the fire. That's what prophecy does! So let's all be about the Master's work. It will go well for us if the Master finds us working when he returns.

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