
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Strange Signs Coming From the Skies

Most of you have heard me reference Genesis 6, which is story of Noah and the flood. However, a careful reading will show you that the passage makes a reference for the reason God may have destroyed all flesh. The bible tells us that "sons of God"(fallen angels) were taking women and having sex with them. The resultant hybrid beings were called the Nephilim. Some were giants. The bible goes on to say that the Nephilim were on the earth immediately after the flood as well. They are also referenced in Numbers when Joshua and the spies were sent out to scout the Holy Land.

When Jesus was on earth, he told us that the very last days of this age, right before his return, would be "as it was in the days of Noah". What could that mean? Could it mean that these fallen angels are making appearances again and making strange flesh in an attempt to usurp God's plan and decieve mankind?? Afterall, we are clearly told that Satan is the great deciever.

Look at the evidence yourselves and you tell me.

That being said, the "alien" UFO sightings, crop circle reports and abduction stories are increasing exponentially around the world. Major countries like France and Mexico are releasing top secret UFO reports and videos and the world is now being fully prepared to accept the idea that alien life forms are soon going to come to planet earth and help us out of the mess that humans have created on planet earth.

As we have asked in the past....if "alien" beings showed up tomorrow and landed on the white house lawn and spoke into a CNN camera and told us "The Truth" about where we came from, why we were put on planet earth, and what they are going to do to save us, and also told us the "rest of the story" in regards to Jesus, Allah, Budda, Muhammad and all the other "holy" men....would our faith in Jesus stand? Or would we be rocked to the core and maybe even have the "elect decieved" Jesus warns.

Check out these paragraphs from an "alien sight";

Traces of this epic masterpiece of creation can be found in all religious writings and traditions. It is to them that Moses, Jesus, Buddha and Mohammed referred. It is now time to welcome them.

"We were the ones who designed all life on earth""You mistook us for gods" "We were at the origin of your main religions" "Now that you are mature enough to understand this,we would like to enter official contact through an embassy"

The messages dictated to Rael explain that life on Earth is not the result of random evolution, nor the work of a supernatural 'God'. It is a deliberate creation, using DNA, by a scientifically advanced people who made human beings literally "in their image"

You can check out this site for yourselves;

This is NOT something to be taken lightly. The greatest deception to come on mankind could literally be at our doorstep. Have we studied the word of God? Have we studied our enemie's battle plans? Have we fastened on our helmets of salvation? Have we put on the full armor of God? Do we have our swords of Truth sharpened and ready to do battle with whatever Satan throws at us?

Or, on the contrary...have we bought into the lie that satan doesn't exist, science knows all things we need to know, there isn't really a spiritual battle raging, and "fallen angels" (demons) are something only for Hollywood and should be put in the same realm as "the tooth fairy"?

I don't like to be the purveyor of supernatural doom, but I honestly belive that "something wicked this way comes"...and it may be soon.

Pray for clear eyes, open ears and pure hearts.

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