
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Earth's Final Century

Check out what ABC is broadcasting tonight for 2 hours;

'Earth 2100': the Final Century of Civilization?

It's an idea that most of us would rather not face -- that within the next century, life as we know it could come to an end. Our civilization could crumble, leaving only traces of modern human existence behind.

Read full article here;

As we have said, the people of planet earth know something big is going on...they simply don't know their bibles well enought to interpret these happenings through the "3rd lens of scripture".

Hat tip to Mick L.


  1. Mike and I watched some of this out of curiosity, but turned it off after about 20 minutes. Nothing but fear propaganda. Global warming, disease, plague, etc. The only "safe haven" in 2100 is progressive NYC, where everyone drives electric cars and lives in communal buildings that share built-in greenhouse gardens and attached windmills.

  2. I agree. But didn't you find it interesting that rising oceans, disease, plague, violence, etc...all tie into what the bible says will be coming? It's almost like the world is sensing it's own birth pangs...but has no idea what the words of Christ, Paul and John have no idea how to deal with the crisis' that will be swamping planet earth. Hopefully the things that Christ talks about will happen AFTER we are taken in the rapture...but who knows what kind of chaos we may witness before that happens. Isn't it possible that God could be using a warming planet (global warming) to fulfill prophecy of plague, pestilence and raging oceans and storms?
