
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Obama vs. Osama

As we all know by now, President Obama is in the middle east and is going to give a major speech to the Muslim world. Obama seems to be more convinced everyday that his charm and charisma are going to work wonders with everyone he meets, everywhere he goes. That would be nice for the world if charming men with good intentions could run things in charitable, humanitarian ways.....but Osama Bin Laden will have none of it.

So the showdown may soon be coming between one of the nicest Presidents the U.S. has known (Also know as "the messiah" and/or "the one") and one of Satan's most nasty spawns. (Osama) Who will the Muslim world side with? Who will they believe?

Cairo - Audiotapes attributed to Al Qaeda's two top leaders have sought to discredit President Obama on the eve of his much-heralded speech to the Muslim world in Cairo, declaring that he is no different from his predecessor and follows the same anti-Muslim policies.

Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden accused Obama of "antagonizing Muslims" and of "laying the foundation for long wars," said the Qatar-based TV channel Al Jazeera, which aired excerpts of the tape shortly after the American president arrived in Saudi Arabia.

A day earlier, Mr. bin Laden's deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, urged Muslims not to heed Obama's "elegant" words, arguing that Obama's policies are already clear.

Read full article here;

Dang it!! I was hopeful that Osama was going to travel to Egypt to sing Kum-ba-yah and drink sweet tea with Obama. Can't those Muslim extremists get along with anyone!! Why aren't they more tolerant of others?! Why do they seem intent on taking their religious beliefs so seriously?? Why can't they be more lukewarm and tolerant of all beliefs....just like all of us U.S. Christians?

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