
Thursday, June 4, 2009

Obama Not a Messiah

The Jews of Israel are joining a lot of us who are beginning to wonder if Obama may believe he is a messiah...any how many people around the world may also believe this? Check this out...especially the bold print;

CAIRO – A messiah won’t be landing at the Heliopolis airport Thursday. Nonetheless, the expectations raised by Obama’s brief visit to Cairo are almost messianic. Souvenir shops are selling pendants with the caption “Obama – new Tutankhamen of the world.” In Egyptian terms, it’s a super-compliment. No one-hour speech can fulfill such expectations; neither can a two-hour speech.

This article concludes with these words;

Obama’s speech is like the opening tune of a play that has not yet been written. The question is what will happen in Washington later on, and whether we will indeed see the formulation of a plan that would be able to bring together all the anti-Iranian and pro-American powers in the region, including Israel, into one coalition; such coalition would aim to secure regional stability – curbing Iran, saving Iraq and Afghanistan, and a regional Arab-Israeli peace deal.

Read article here;,7340,L-3725495,00.html

Did you catch that sentence I highlighted in bold? To those of us who KNOW the bible is God's prophetic word which was written before the foundations of the world....we KNOW the play already has been written. And we know how it ends....with the Tribulation of planet earth that will commence with a peace agreement between Israel and their Arab/Muslim enemies, brokered by the anti-christ. At the end of this Tribulation, Jesus WILL return and vanquish Satan....and set the world right for a thousand years. Read it for yourselves....and watch for yourselves how this play is coming together right before our very eyes.

Only a messiah would be able to secure all these objectives in the course of one term in office.

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