
Monday, May 4, 2009

Dangerous Times in Pakistan

As we have noted in the past, Pakistan is an incredibly important piece of the puzzle when it comes to global order vs. global chaos. If Pakistan descends into a failed state or if it's military (were the power truly lies) starts siding with muslim extremists....the world order could really start to deteriorate quickly.

The U.S. concern continues to build as the Pakistani military engages the Taliban who are trying to take over Pakistan.

WASHINGTON (AFP) — Faced with a surge of Islamic militant activity in Pakistan, the US government is increasingly concerned about the potential vulnerability of the country's nuclear arsenal, The New York Times reported.
Citing unnamed officials, the newspaper said the administration of President Barack Obama is worried about the potential for militants to snatch a weapon in transport or to insert sympathizers into laboratories or fuel-production facilities.

I hate to always ask this but,...did you catch that? The white house is concerned that muslim extremists might "snatch" one of Pakistan's nukes. We already know the Osama Bin Laden has made it Al Qaida's #1 mission is to get a nuke. And is there anyone who doubts that he would launch it in a heartbeat if he could? Where would his target be if he was able to program the launch codes? Israel? The U.S.?

Read article here;

It appears that mankind is soon coming to the end of it's ability to deal with itself. Even with all of it's technology, medical advancements, education, space exploration, disease control, modern farming methods, etc.... We simply can't make the world a better place. It's going to erupt in chaos.

People have said to me that it almost appears that I am eager for mankind to breakdown and chaos to ensue. "It's like the worse the article, the more excited you are to post it and talk about it...why is that?"

The bible tells us that the more focused we get on eternal things the less focused we will be on earthly things. So for me, I'm not excited for the earth to pass away....but I am excited that the bible is coming true and I am getting even more excited for the eternal things that are soon coming.

2 Peter 3:10, "But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare. Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people out you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed it's coming." (empahsis mine)


  1. It may not take the fall of the Pakistian government for muslim extremists to aquire the nuclear weapons they are looking for, a couple interesting books on the subject by author Paul Williams, 1)Obamas revenge the next 911 and The day of islam go into extremist's quest for and possibly aquiring nuclear wepons already.

  2. I agree 100%. Pakistan is simply ONE way that they are trying to gain control of nukes. I have read credible articles that say there is a good chance al qaida already has nukes that they have acquired from failed soviet states. I have also read credible sources (as you also mentioned) who believe those suitcase nukes may already be in the country and al qaida is simply waiting for the day to blow them all at the same to cause massive carnage and chaos. Again, it appears man has come to the end of his capabilities of running this world. What will it take til man turns to God...who is in control of all.
