
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Serious Rumors of War

After reading this article, I guess it would be safe to assume that North Korea IS NOT going to give the blackmail money back that we paid them to cease their nuclear weapons program. "Fool me once, shame on you...fool me twice, shame on me."

They are now accusing the U.S. of plotting a war scheme against them;

SEOUL (AFP) — North Korea has vowed it would not give up its nuclear weapons programme and accused the United States of working on new plans to attack the communist country.
The Korean peninsula is "on the brink of war because of a new war scheme by US hostile forces," the North's ruling party newspaper Rodon Sinmun said in an editorial.
It reiterated a promise by Pyongyang to bolster its deterrent, arguing the United States has been working on a new "nuclear war scenario for aggression."
"We are compelled to bolster our nuclear deterrent"
as hostile forces have clarified their scheme to occupy North Korea by force, it added.

Read full article here;

So the North Koreans think we are planning on nuking them so they need to build a nuclear arsenal as a deterrent. Hmmmm.....sounds a lot like the cold war we had with Russia. The major difference being that Russia actually had a somewhat sane government. The leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Il, is a really insane little man, who still wears jump suits, white deck shoes and has a "just got out of bed" haircut....and this is the guy who has his finger on the potential destruction of the world? Are you even kidding me?

On that note, I truly hope that the U.S. military does have some sort of contingency plan (that may include tactical nukes) to deal with North Korea before they start powering up ICBM's with a nuclear warhead attached.

I really hope that we don't send President Obama over there to talk with Kim Jong, because chances are good that he may confess to Kim that our Pentagon has, in fact, made Korean war plans, he may apologize to Kim for all of the mistakes the U.S. made during the Korean war, and he may even promise to prosecute anyone in the Pentagon or military, going back to 1950, who made those mistakes. (insert extreme sarcasm here)

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