
Saturday, May 9, 2009

Finally! He Says It!

A few weeks ago we posted a very informative article on the Golan Heights. This is land that Israel took in 1967 after driving the invading Syrian army back behind it's borders. As we said then, Israel was within the "rules of the world" to take and occupy this territory because Syria invaded them and also because Syria had been using the Golan for 20 years to pick off Jews with high-powered rifles as the Israeli farmers were tending their farms in the valley below.

So why doesn't some Israeli leader just come right out and say it....WE ARE NEVER GIVING BACK THE GOLAN! IT IS CRITICAL TO OUR DEFENSE AGAINST INVADING ARMIES! looks like today it finally happened. Here is the headline from Haaretz;
Netanyahu: Israel will never withdraw from Golan

Thank you Mr. Netanyahu for just telling the truth.

Now here is some prophetic news from the article that will impact every U.S. citizen;

A week-and-a-half out from Netanyahu's scheduled visit to Washington, the prime minister stressed that he is ready to stand up to U.S. President Barack Obama and that he would not give up on matters that in his opinion are critical to Israel's security.

Read full article here;

So while Mr. Obama has been preparing his administration for conflict with Netanyahu....Mr. Netanyahu has been preparing to stand his ground against Obama. This sounds like a clash that will lead the U.S. to end up on the short side of the stick.

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