
Friday, May 8, 2009

Bad News--Good News

This article has both bad news and good news. The bad news is that Obama's team is pressing ahead and trying to make nice with Iran....and the moderate Arab allies in the middle east think that is a really bad idea.

Middle East analysts say Washington's efforts to start a dialogue with Iran have sent ripples of alarm through the capitals of America's closest Arab allies, who are concerned Tehran is playing a destabilizing role in the region.

And those Arab allies would be correct on that assumption since we have already heard Ahmadinejad say he wants Iran to be the instigator of global chaos...which is necessary to bring back the 12th Imam and his army to kill the remaining Christians and Jews.

Now here is the good news from the same article;

In a rare confluence of interests with its Arab neighbors, Israel has also singled out Iran as the greatest threat to stability in the region.U.S. Senator John Kerry, the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, says there is a major shift in the geopolitics of the Middle East."So there is a new reality - moderate Arab countries and Israel alike are actually more worried together about Iran than they are about each other," said John Kerry. "As a result, they are now cooperating in ways that were unimaginable just a couple of years ago."

Read the full article here;

From a prophetic point of view, this is very interesting as it may explain why some of the Arab countries aren't mentioned in the Magog coalition of Ezekiel 38. If they are more worried about Iran than Israel...they certainly aren't going to join the Ezekiel coalition with Iran to destroy Israel.

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