
Thursday, May 7, 2009

Magog Coalition Strengthens

The pieces of the puzzle seem to be coming together so fast that it's starting to be very obvious that the "birth pangs" are getting getting downright intense.

Jerusalem — A report issued by the Washington Institute says Turkey has moved steadily away from its NATO allies and toward Iran, Russia and Syria.

Turkey is definately one of the players who will join with Russia and Iran and make up the army that will march toward Israel....only to have God fight for Israel and lay the coalition low...without Israel firing a shot.

Only a few years ago, prophecy watchers were kind of puzzled by Turkey's movement towards joining the European Union...which was a movement away from prophetic fulfillment. But with amazing speed, Europe balked on the proposal of Turkey joining them...and Turkey appears to be running into the arms of Russia and Iran. Friends, this HAS to be a God thing.

The report says Turkey has developed friendlier relations with Russia and the Islamic world than with the West. Mr. Cagaptay cited Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Syria as examples of Turkey’s growing ties in the Islamic world.

May we remind you that the groups and countries we highligted in bold all have one thing in common....they deny the existence of Israel and seek it's destruction.

Read the article here;

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