
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Russia - Israel Showdown

The article posted below has a few prophetic implications. The first is the headline;
Lieberman Gives Iran Three Months - Or Else

We have talked much in the past of how the middle east will ignite if missiles start flying between Israel and Iran. Many countries will be drawn into the mayhem that ensues. And of course since Iran (Persia) is a key player in the soon coming war of Ezekiel 38, we need to watch these developments closely.

The second prophetic piece in the article addresses Russia (Magog) which is listed as the major player in Ezekiel 38. Read what Israeli Foreign Minister Leiberman had to say;

Russia has invested heavily in the nuclear program in Iran, which is a close ally of the two terrorist organizations. Russian arms frequently have found their way to Hamas and Hizbullah via Syria and Iran, and the Israeli army was surprised in the Second Lebanon War three years ago by Hizbullah's use of advanced Russian-made anti-tank rockets that caused dozens of deaths.

Read full article here;

We know that Russia may be looking for a fight as it's tension with The West is hitting a recent peak as NATO does wargames in Georgia....the country Russia invaded last summer. Read that headline news here;

It appears that the battle horses of Russia must be getting groomed for some type of altercation with Israel. What could be the trigger that sets it off? Furthermore, if it does get set off...will it end up being Ezekiel's War of Chapter 38...or will it simply be another birth pang that further sets the stage for the real war...when God fights for Israel and destroys the Russian coalition?

If it is the later...that could prove really exciting for us Christ followers....because it means that we won't be on planet earth anymore...because the rapture of the church will have already happened.

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