
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

History Repeats

We all know that history has a way of repeating itself...usually every 50-60 years. Why? Probably because the people who first experienced an event are no longer alive 60 years later....and even if they are....the coming generation isn't really interested in their stories because they believe it to be "ancient history". So everyone just walks into the same mistakes....over and over again.

Let's look at Israel in 1967. The country was now 19 yrs old and the hatred of the Arab world had been boiling for the past few decades....stirring the coals to red hot was the remembrance that the Arabs were repelled 19 yrs earlier by a few Jews with some old cars and some old rifles.

Here's what some of the Arab leaders were saying before they invaded Israel;
Gamal Abdel Nasser, the president of Egypt declared on radio" We intend on beginning an all out campaign, it will be a total war and our basic purpose is the eradication of the Israeli state"
Ahmed Shukeiri the head of the Palestinian resistance movement also delivered the following statement" Israelis who were born in Palestine that will still be alive after the war will be allowed to live in Palestine. But based on my best estimation not a single one of them will still be found alive."
King Hussein of Jordan joined the war that began in June of 1967 with the following words," Kill the Jews with everything that comes to your hands. Kill them with your arms, with your hands, with your nails and with your teeth."

Now let's look at what President Ahmadinejad has been saying;
[…] "The existence of the [Zionist] regime is tantamount to the permanent imposition of an unbridled threat, so that none of the Islamic nations and countries of the region can feel secure from its threat. The closer these countries and nations are to the epicenter of this threat, the more insecure they feel. The people of Palestine exist within the context of such a threat. For that reason, they have not spent even a single day with peace of mind and tranquility for at least the past sixty years."
"Is it possible for us to witness a world without America and Zionism? You should know that this slogan, this goal, can certainly be achieved. "
"Anybody who recognizes Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury."
"The Imam said that this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time."

So, will the world wake up? Do they really believe this is just chatter? History shows us that many believed that Adolf Hitler was just a jabbering, little corporal with an insecurity complex. But hey....who wants to learn from history? As my kid would say, "History is for old people!"

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