
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

How Much Longer til "Never Again"?

As we have noted in the past, the holocaust museum in Washington D.C. has the words "Never Again" posted over the entrance. The Jews vowed to never forget that they ignored the fiery talk of Adolf Hitler. They didn't believe anything like that could ever happen in the Germany...because it was so civilized. And before they knew what was happening, the trap was sprung and 6 million Jews were tortured and murdered in some of the most Satanic ways possible. Their skin was turned into leather and used for making shoes and lampshades.

But out of the piles of bones made in the holocaust was birthed the nation of Israel....thereby fulfilling Ezekiel 37, The Valley of Dry Bones.

Immediately following Ezekiel 37 is chapter 38 which talks of Iran (Persia) rising up in the last days and seeking to destroy Israel. And this very day we have Iranian President Ahmadinejad denying the holocaust, telling the world to prepare for the vaporization of Israel, cooking a nuclear weapon...and now another prophetic headline hits the press....
Ahmadinejad: Iran Tests Missile that Could Reach Israel, Europe

You can read all about it here;

Does "Never Again" actually mean something to the Jews of this earth...or is it just a slogan like the one we use in the U.S., "Freedom isn't free"...but no one really means them any more? How much longer can Israel sit and wait....before the trap falls shut again.... when a nuclear warhead placed on the missile described above....goes off in Tel Aviv and kills 6 million Jews.

As the famous saying goes....Fool me once, shame on you.....fool me twice, shame on me.

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