
Friday, May 22, 2009

Huge Double Standard

"It's so illogical...that it has to be supernatural." We have been saying that a lot lately as the world's common sense seems to have evaporated. The smartest men on earth seem incapable of seeing the most obvious inefficiencies and disparities.

For instance; why do the Muslim's of the world insist that they have to be welcomed, accepted and tolerated in every country that they go....but the muslim countries of the world refuse to accept people of any other religion? Did you know that you can't carry a bible on the official airline of Saudi Arabia? Did you know that Iraq is persecuting it's Christian population and over half the Christians have fled? In Gaza we see the most illogical situation yet...because all eyes of the world are focused on it....yet they can't see. The Christians are being killed and driven out of the territory BECAUSE OF THEIR BELIEFS. But the same Arabs who are running Gaza and approving of this persecution (Hamas) are DEMANDING THAT THEY BE ACCEPTED TO LIVE AND PRACTICE THEIR BELIEFS ALL OVER THE ENTIRE STATE OF ISRAEL.

And the world agrees with that logic!

Since Hamas' rise to power, Christian in Gaza repeatedly have been targeted. Jihadia Salafiya, an Islamist outreach group with a so-called military wing, is suspected of many of the Islamist attacks, such as a May 2007 shooting against a United Nations school in Gaza after it allowed boys and girls to participate in the same sporting event. One person was killed in the attack.

Read this persecution article here;

Where is the outrage by women's rights groups, human rights groups, all Christians of the world? Where is the outrage by the media of this clear double standard? Where is the outrage by our self proclaimed "Christian" president? Oh yeah....Obama is too busy pushing for these folks to have their own they can live is peace, harmony, happiness and unity with all of earth's citizens. In fact, he belives that if we give them half of Jerusalem as their very own capital, then they will turn over a new leaf and finally they can be happy, healthy, productive citizens.

Hat tip to Mike S. for the article.

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