
Friday, May 22, 2009

Please,...Be Narrow Minded

We know what Jesus told us, "The path is narrow, so stay on the narrow path. The path to destruction is wide, and many will be on it". So, if we take our eyes off the narrow path of Christ, we may fall off. In the same way, if we start double guessing the words of the bible and making them fit into this world, we are going to be more apt to fall off the narrow path. (Emergent Church philosophies)

So what does the world think of those of us who believe in Jesus Christ as our savior from hell? Obviously they don't think much of us....and their perception of us is only going to get worse. You can see that Conservatives are now in the minority. Liberals are leaping ahead in all the opinion polls. Pretty soon, we may be persecuted if we publicly deny that "climate change" is being caused by mankind's actions. Or we might be fined if our church refuses to marry gays...or refuses to hold "commitment ceremonies" for a woman and her dog, or a man and his sheep....or how about if we refuse to marry a threesome of two women and one man? Where will it all end?

It will end with the rapture of the church! Exactly as the evil in Noah's day ended... with Noah and his family being sealed in the ark and taken (rapture) above the flood of destruction. In the same way, Christ is going to take us above (rapture) the destruction of planet earth during The Tribulation...and only set us back down on this planet after the destruction has we can rule and reign with Him, as his bride, during the entire Millennium.

With that being said, I found a great article that talks about being narrow minded and how important it is to stay that way as the deception on planet earth continues to build.

It turns out that being broad minded or liberal actually just leads in circles. No one reaches a goal of anything lasting or good through liberality or broadmindedness. They just go in silly little circles, are distracted by everything, cause problems to all of mankind, and ‘feel’ quite good about themselves as they progressively grow more delusional.

You can read the entire article here;

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