
Friday, May 22, 2009

I Hate it When I'm Right!!

I realize fully that blowing your own horn and saying, "I told you so!" VERY unattractive. That being said...I am fully human and just can't resist. So I apologize in advance.

This is what I posted on April 17, 2008 in regards to the U.S. Government bailing out everyone;

If they (U.S. Gov't) guessed wrong on their risk and they end up holding the bag, they could lose their AAA credit rating. If this happens, it could double the cost of repaying our defecit literally overnight and send the country into a financial tailspin that could be very difficult to recover from. Could this be one of the reasons that the U.S. is nowhere to be found in biblical prophesy?

Today, May 22, 2009, this is what is being said in Bloomberg;

The dollar extended declines today after Treasuries and American stocks slumped on concern the U.S. government’s debt rating may at some point be lowered. Bill Gross, the co-chief investment officer of Pacific Investment Management Co., said the U.S. “eventually” will lose its AAA grade.

And check out this paragraph;
Gross said in an interview yesterday on Bloomberg Television that while a U.S. sovereign rating cut is “certainly nothing that’s going to happen overnight,” markets are “beginning to anticipate the possibility.” Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman, speaking in Hong Kong today, nevertheless argues it’s “hard to believe” the U.S. would ever default. (emphasis mine)

Yes Paul....I'm sure you choose to believe the United States will be here happily building things, buying houses, marrying, buying, selling, and entertaining ourselves forever and ever and ever!! In fact, you are so smart that we have to believe you....because the world gave you a Nobel Prize!! I have a feeling that Rome, Greece, Babylon, Persia and all the other once great civilizations rolled our their economists and said, "Quite frankly, it's hard to believe that Babylon would ever default. We are simply too strong for that to happen....wouldn't you agree King Nebuchadnezzar?"

Read the full article here;

Again, I want to apologize. I will do my best to not let it happen again.

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