
Friday, May 22, 2009

Ignorance Abroad

We all know by now that Obama ran around the world last month apologizing to everyone for everything that is wrong in America. Obama believes that such behavior is humbling to our friends and enemies and further believes that it will draw them closer to us so we can all start singing "Kum-ba-Yah" around a glorious campfire....complete with marshmallows and chocolate.

Today the Jerusalem Post has these accurate assessments of "Messiah Obama";

There were those in Israel who suspected Obama of being a kind of wolf in sheep's clothing, preparing with a friendly smile to offer up Israel as a sacrifice to its regional enemies.
The picture emerging from the alleged details of his plan suggest a different, though not necessarily more comforting characterization: When it comes to the Middle East, Obama is an innocent abroad.

Read the full article here;

As "the chosen one" cavorts around the world...certain of his charm and confident of his success....the dark side of this spiritual battle cackles in delight.

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