
Monday, May 25, 2009

Time for Another Letter!

It appears that North Korea has not only kept our blackmail money which resulted from their first nuclear test, but they really, truly didn't destroy any of their nuclear material (which was what we bribed them to do)....and as if that wasn't bad enough, now they go and blow up another nuke that was bigger than their first one! So now the world must be heaping what is the world gonna do??? Brazil for one came out strong and called for more talks. Oooooo!! I'm sure Kim Jong Il is shaking in his Olympic sized pool at this very moment. How about the United Nations??? They have to be steaming mad!! Well it turns out that they are so are going to close the doors and draft a new resolution. And if North Korea blows up a bigger nuke tomorrow...then they will draft another BIGGER resolution! Terrifying!!!

Read all about the nuke test here;

Can we see the folly here people?? The rules of the world are; violence, ultimatums and force. That's been the rules since the dawn of man and will be until Christ returns. Jesus told us that's exactly what men will be up to RIGHT UNTIL THE VERY SECOND of his return.

The liberal elites may believe that we have evolved past these rules. And maybe amongst other liberal elites, they have. But the rest of the world is still playing by the old rules. The liberals need to understand that NOTHING will change until brave men with big guns and bombs are sent in to change it, and on this Memorial day we need to remember that. The politicians, librarians, lawyers and community organizers didn't bring freedom to this country. It was the soldiers who went a long way from home and fought against tyranny and oppression that have brought the freedom to this country. We have all heard the saying, "Freedom isn't free!" I just wonder who will be willing to fight for it...because letters, talk and resolutions will not work without soldiers, guns and bombs to immediately back them up.

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