Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Is Nothing Sacred?

We all know the Boyscouts have been under attack for the last 5 years by homosexual activists, but I was hoping all those nice, little Girlscouts could stay above the filth and deception engulfing planet earth.....but it appears that isn't going to be the case.

In "Amaze: The Twists and Turns of Getting Along," girls from the sixth to the eighth grade will read a quote from Buddha and be encouraged to explore mazes and stone or dirt labyrinths – symbols rooted in pagan mythology and popular within the New Age movement as meditation tools.
They will be briefly introduced to Polish poet Anna Swir, known for her feminist and erotic poems, and Jane Addams, an ardent feminist and pacifist who received a Nobel Peace Prize.
The text features a quote from Harriet Woods, former president of the National Women's Political Caucus – a bipartisan group that endorses pro-abortion female candidates who run for public office.
To cope with bullying, girls as young as 11 are encouraged to "take a peace break," make a Zen garden, take martial arts, do yoga and visit a website to learn the sun salutation poses.

Read full article here; http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=97977

It is just so sad when you think of the wholesome Girlscout troops selling cookies. It's certainly only a fond memory now of a day when those Scouts could pray to Jesus and the God of Israel during their meetings. And now everyone will need to think twice before enrolling because I certainly wouldn't want my daughter learning sun-salutation-poses. It's just sad.

Jesus said, "Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three." Luke 12:51

When we get the feeling that it's all coming apart, just remember that Jesus told us all these things must happen...but to encourage each other with the words of scripture...because we know that the night comes before the day (in Hebrew mind)....and if we are anticipating the light of Jesus soon coming for this earth....we know it has to get dark first. So bring on the darkness if it means we are one day closer to Christ.


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