
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Nuclear Conflict

In yet another sign of how far we have descended into the unkown, Russia is saying they need to prepare for a potential nuclear exchange on the Korean Peninsula.

"We are not talking about stepping up military efforts but rather about measures in case a military conflict, perhaps with the use of nuclear weapons, flares up on the Korean Peninsula," he added.

Friends, have you seen the North Korean president, Kim Jong Il, as of late? He looks like a gopher in a pant suit from a corny Mike Meyer's movie. None of us should trust what this isolated mad man is capable of doing. How terrifying and fascinating that we, as humans, have come to this point...the point where a handful of mad men could terminate life on planet earth.

Read article here;,2506,L-3722406,00.html

Let's remember to pray for Kim Jong, that he would be released from the demons of insecurity and lonliness and come to a saving knowledge of Christ. The bible tells us that prayer is a better way to fight battles...because the battle is truly a spiritual one.

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