
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Temple Talk

We continue to watch for the Jewish Temple to rebuilt. Why? Because the bible is very clear that the third temple will be in Jerusalem during the Tribulation. So we watch....and realize that the rapture of the church will probably happen before it's built. It's just one more sign that the "children of the light" can look towards to realize that Christ is close.

Remember that the Jews have been working on all the temple instruments, they have been gathering the Levites to start training them as priests, they have dedicated the ephods (robes)....they know that the time is coming for them to re implement sacrifices and begin Temple worship again.

Also remember that the anti-christ will set himself in the Holy of Holies, in the inner room of this temple, and will demand that the world start worshiping him as god. When this event is seen world will usher in the final cataclysmic events that would ultimately destroy all flesh on planet earth...until Jesus himself shortens those days, by returning in bodily form to conquer the anti-christ and his armies. Awesome!! And we will have a ring side seat to this whole event, and watch as Jesus Christ vanquished all his foes.

So we all need to perk up when we see this headline; Raad Salah: Netanyahu will Try to Rebuild the Jewish Temple

“I ask that those with the power to make the political decision hear me,” Salah exhorted his audience. “Netanyahu is about to build the false Temple, and when the Jews build the Temple they will do so upon the ruins of the Al-Aqsa [Mosque].”

Did you catch that? This is a Muslim referring to the yet to be built third temple as the "false" temple. Also he acknowledges that when it is built, it will be built on the ruins of the Muslim mosque that is currently sitting on those Holy acres. And he is imploring his audience to wake up and realize that Netanyahu may be the guy who will try and make that a reality.

Read full article here;

If you have never prayed for the peace of would be a great time to start.

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