
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Obama Warns Netanyahu

OK....this headline doesn't look good from the very start. With the enemies of Israel gathering all around her threatening a new holocaust....our president is going to start wagging a finger at the leader of Israel and telling Netanyahu what Israel can and can not do when it comes to their survival. "I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you," says God to the Israelites.

Here is the full headline from Haaretz;
Obama warns Netanyahu: Don't surprise me with Iran strike

Obviously the rumors continue to build regarding a major war breaking out in the middle east. The Western world for sure does not want a war (no one does) because it could cripple our already sluggish economy by sending gasoline prices back up to $4-$6 per gallon. So for selfish reasons, we want Israel to continue to sit under the growing threat of nuclear destruction as Iran inches closer to having a nuclear bomb.

Furthermore, Obama wants the chance to fly to Iran and have tea with Ahmadinejad so he can charm him into admitting the holocaust really did happen and that his eschatological beliefs about the 12th Imam's soon return to earth as a result of global really just a myth. Good luck Obama!! You are going to play right into what Iran wants and continue to make this world a more dangerous and explosive place as you continue to send mixed, unclear messages about where the U.S. stands....and who we stand with.

Read full article here;

Please continue to pray for Israel, the peace of Jerusalem and for President Obama that he will lead this country in a way that will be God honoring. I fear that unless God intervenes supernaturally...this country might already be past the point of no return....where God says, "ENOUGH". Even so...come Lord Jesus.

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