
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Where is Our Social Security?

Let's remember back to a time in the 1930's when Social Security was put on the books. Life expectancy was about 67 years, people were having 4 kids per couple and the program was supposed to be part of a 3-legged stool consisting of corporate pension, personal savings and social security.

Now let's look at today. Life expectancy is closer to 85, people are having 2 kids and very few retirees have ANY pension and little (if any) personal savings. With that information alone, anyone with a shred of common sense can see that the math simply doesn't work for this program to continue. Also what is the morality of this program where one generation is insisting on taking money from a system they know is the expense of the upcoming generations? Yet when anyone tries to bring this up to AARP, they are almost instantly tarred and feathered.

So for the past 30 years we have chosen to ignore the pending crisis of Social Security and Medicare....but now we won't be able to ignore it anymore. The reality in the headlines today simply can't be ignored;
US Medicare funding under threat

The US social security and Medicare system, which provide pensions and health care for older people,are set to run out of money sooner than expected.
New estimates show that the Medicare trust fund, which pays for hospital care, will run out of money by 2017, and is already running at a deficit.

Read full article here;

Will all of our "blessings" that God has provided for this great country simply disappear like a flash? Is there precedent in the bible about what happens to countries and people who forget to give thanks to their Creator from whom all blessings flow? Anyone who has read the OT knows the this is a rhetorical question.

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