
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

How Insolvent Is the U.S.?

Most of us remember the movie, The Wizard of Oz. At the end of the movie we see that Dorothy pulls a curtain away to reveal the truth about the Great Wizard....he is actually a short guy with a microphone and lots of special effects. In the movie, that short guy went to lots of effort to make sure that that secret stayed hidden....afterall, that secret it what held the Land of Oz together.

Now fast forward to the reality of today. We know that something large went on last year in the financial industry and it started with the unraveling of insurance giant, AIG. I don't need to remind you of the continuing calamity that is still with us. And what is the answer that our government has come up with to solve this massive credit debacle....print more money and borrow more money until we all feel better! WE MUST KEEP THE ILLUSION GOING OR THE LAND OF OZ WILL BE REVEALED AS A HOAX!

The idea that America is already run over by immorality, greed and insolvency is, quite honestly, more than most of us can comprehend. The question of the day might be, "How could this all have happened so quickly?" Personally, I think the bible has an answer for that and it's when Jesus said, "The end will come like a flood".

I will post a video link below from an interview that Bill Moyers did last month with a college finance professor named William Black. This interview aired on PBS....but did any other media outlet pick it up and further investigate his claims?? No. Which leads me to believe we are on to something really large here. It is a massive coverup that runs all the way to the top of the Presidency. It is a global Ponzi scheme that will make Bernie Madoff look like child's play. While I don't agree with everything Mr Black says, the fact that he is claiming the Obama and Timothy Geitner are continuing this coverup should have made EVERY news show for the last six weeks.

Take a half hour and watch this video;

So where is our confidence supposed to be?....with man made things that are clearly passing away before our very eyes?....or with eternal things set up and away where moth and rust will never destroy.

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