
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Pope In Israel

Most have heard by now that the Pope is in Jerusalem. It was on the news last night with video of the pope placing a prayer in a crack of the Western Wailing Wall. Today the radio news played a clip of the pope saying the world needs to be on guard against the growing anti-semitism. And now it appears that, within hours of him making the anti-semistism speech, the pope has walked out of a meeting when a muslim sheikh made anti-semitic remarks.

A leading Palestinian cleric commandeered an evening devoted to interfaith dialogue with Pope Benedict XVI on Monday to rant against Israel for "killing Gaza's children," "bulldozing Palestinian homes" and "destroying mosques."

He also called for the immediate return of all Palestinian refugees, and called on Christians and Muslims to unite against Israel.

Following the diatribe and before the meeting was officially over, the pope exited the premises. However, he shook Tamimi's hand before walking out.

Read full article here;

Boy, it sure sounds like that was a great "interfaith dialogue"! When will this insane world realize that you can't have dialogue with another party that wants to destroy you. Again, people....look at the history, look at the map and realize what a teeny-tiny-itsy-bitsy piece of land that the Jews have. It is totally illogical that the world is going to put pressure on Israel to carve out more land for the Arabs in their midst. And when there is a lack of logic....there must be something supernatural pushing along an agenda. What else explains why the world is so obsessed with this tiny peice of land??

"I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling." Zechariah 12:2

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