
Monday, June 22, 2009


As we watch Iran, let's remember a few things. First off, the Mullahs and Ahmadinejad actually want chaos because they believe that is the condition necessary to usher in the 12th Imam. Secondly, remember that the Persians invented the game of chess. They are masters at thinking multiple moves ahead before they make any move. Is it possible that the Mullahs orchestrated this "election" knowing full well that the people would react the way that they are....because they want chaos? Why would you be so stupid to announce the "winner" before the polls closed? Why would you be so stupid to claim the "winner" received 62% of the vote and won in a landslide...why not say he received 51% and wait until the next day to announce the results and claim that the election was very close? Do they want chaos in the streets??....maybe that's exactly what they want.

The Persian leaders ARE NOT STUPID. They are VERY calculating, so it has us wondering if this whole thing was meant for another unseen reason.

Police used tear gas and fired shots into the air yesterday to break up a rally of hundreds of protesters in central Tehran’s Haft-e-Tir square shortly after the Guards’ warning, the Associated Press said.

Club-wielding members of the Basij volunteer militia, which is linked to the Guards, have played a role in suppressing the protests against Ahmadinejad’s June 12 victory. Opponents say the ballot was rigged. The clerical Guardian Council, the top election body, has refused demands for a new election, and is offering only a partial recount.

Read article here on protests;

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