
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Serpent With A Nice Image

There is certainly lots to think about as we watch the news come out of Iran. We see the people desperate for change...but we realize that the opposition leader (who everyone voted for) is probably not much different than Ahmadinejad. Both are very much opposed to the State of Israel, and both have vehemently supported the development of nuclear technology.

For these reasons, Israel would rather see Ahmadinejad stay in power because it will be easier to build international support against him.

"Just because Mousavi is called a moderate or a reformist doesn't mean he's a nice guy. After all he was approved by the Islamic leadership," says Ephraim Inbar, director of the Begin Sadat Center at Bar Ilan University. "If we have Ahmadinejad, we know where we stand. If we have Mousavi we have a serpent with a nice image."

Read article here;

Many prophecy watchers continue to believe that Isreal may need to strike Iran in before the year ends. Keep praying for the Jews and the Persians, that Jesus will continue to move amongst their people like never before. "The harvest is ripe but the workers are few..."

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