
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Discernment Test

OK...let's say your good friend sends you this video, the headline of which is; CHILD'S NIGHTMARES AND MEMORIES PROVE REINCARNATION.

Watch the news report from a Cleveland Fox News station;,0,1190900.story

Questions; does this in fact prove reincarnation, as the headline alleges? What possible explanation would a God-fearing, bible-believing Christian have to explain such a mystery?

Hints; Satan is a great deceiver. Do we KNOW where the dead airman's soul is? The bible is clear that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord...but that only applies to souls which are written in the lamb's book of life? Where could these other souls be? What purpose would they have to lie to and decieve an innocent little boy?

Remember, we are on Satan's turf and behind enemy lines. We need to cling to the word of God and all these deceptive mysteries have answers...but since many of us refuse to acknowledge the power of Satanic deception, we will be attracted to mysterious stories like this and look for a friendly answer...instead of the Truth.

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