
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Korea On the Edge

The war talk continues between North Korea and anyone else who will listen. Personally, I think we should quit talking to them altogether and quit reporting on ANYTHING they say or do. It would be like a giant "silent treatment".... the kind you used to give your brother or sister when you were young. North Korea desperately wants the world's attention. They want to bluster around threatening everyone with everything in a pathetic attempt to open up the blackmail game again. "I'll be good if you give me some candy," is pretty much the game their leaders are playing. And why shouldn't they play that game?? If the rest of the world falls right in line and starts sending emissaries, cash, incentives and barges of food to make the brat stop crying...the brat quickly learns that whenever he wants something, throw a tantrum and the world will come running with candy and prizes.

But now we have created a bit of a monster. Had we come down hard on them 15 years ago and laid out the ground rules, (yes, Super powers can do that) we may have avoided the situation we are currently in. Now we have North Korea saying that a new war could break out at any time.

The report says that a new war could break out at any time. It also says Pyongyang would never give up its nuclear deterrent as long as the U.S. continued what it called its hostile policy.

So what is the tough-talking United Nations doing? They have issued a warning to North Korea that they might contact North Korea's ships that they suspect of carrying illegal weapons and ASK for permission to inspect them. If they are refused then the UN will huddle behind closed doors and try and decide what to do next. Oooohhh!!...Scaaarrry!!

A U.S. Department of Defense spokesman said Wednesday that a decision on whether to contact the vessel or not will likely be made together with other countries. North Korea has said it would consider inspections of its ships an act of war.

Read full article here;

Have we really become so scared of confrontation and violence that the civilized world is going to let a gopher wearing a pantsuit (Kim Jong Il) hold the entire world hostage to his desires? How sad.

I also have to wonder if Obama's camp is asking the question, "What did we say or do for this man not to like us? Isn't everyone supposed to like us if we talk, smile and shake hands? Maybe we should apologize for the Korean War in hopes they will forgive us?"

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