
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Mahmoud's Friends

Today the Wall Street Journal had an editorial about Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and some of his friends. It is VERY prophetic in that Russia, Iran and Turkey are the three main players mentioned in Ezekiel 38 and the article mentions that Russia and Turkey were the first countries to welcome Ahmadinejad as the re-elected leader of Iran....even while the Iranian people are protesting the sham election...and dying while protesting.

The Kremlin backs this regime for Machiavellian purposes. Mahmoud makes life difficult for America, for one thing. Iran is also a big customer of Russian goods, especially weapons. Perhaps most of all, the prospect of another successful so-called "color" democratic revolution in the neighborhood -- in this case, green -- sends chills down Russian strongman Vladimir Putin's spine.
The Turks have no excuse. President Abdullah Gül and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan congratulated Mr. Ahmadinejad in the days after polls closed. This Ankara government, whose roots are in the country's Islamist movement, has shifted away from traditional friendships with the West and Israel and reached out to Hamas and the Iranian regime. The leaders of the Muslim world's most dynamic democracy lost a chance to buck up the millions of Iranians who want the same for themselves.

Read full article here;

Did you catch that?.... just like a flash, Turkey has walked into the arms of Iran and Russia after decades of being friends with Israel and The West. The bible is clear that in the last days, this exact axis would come together and be joined by others...and God would put hooks in the jaws and draw them out to make them want to attack Israel. The bible tells us they will believe Israel has wealth that they HAVE TO HAVE for themselves....and they will gather together to destroy Israel once and for all.

But God clearly has different plans.

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