
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sightings on the Rise

We have posted about the incredible amounts of UFO sightings taking place all over the world. We have also clearly posted our belief that the "aliens" who are operating these space ship/UFO's...are really the fallen angels who rebelled with Satan...and they are part of some grand deception that is being cooked for planet earth.

We will post here a Kansas City Fox News report on some sightings that were happening around the University of Kansas. The most interesting part is when the lady from MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) explained to the reporter that they used to get 1-2 calls per month on UFO activity....but now they are recieving 1-2 calls per day.

Watch clip here;

Remember, the bible refers to Satan as The Father of all lies, the great deciever, but most curiously calls him the Prince of the Air. Interesting.

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