
Monday, June 15, 2009

Election Results

Things are definitely happening in Iran, but it seems early to try and put definitive answers as to what those things actually are. Joel Rosenberg has some ideas...

The Supreme Leader of Iran has spoken. It’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad by a “landslide.” This means a major, cataclysmic war is the most likely outcome of the Iranian “elections.” And the battle lines are clear. It’s Netanyahu vs. Ahmadinejad — Bibi vs. Mahmoud — and the big question is: Who will strike first?

He then goes on to list 5 things we learned from the elections;

First, the results prove that Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei firmly, completely and whole-heartedly supports Ahmadinejad’s End Times beliefs.

Second, the results prove that the people of Iran never had a real choice.

Third, the results prove that the Obama administration’s belief that you can sit down and have a rational discussion with such Radicals — or trust an agreement even if one could be negotiated with them – is absolutely nonsensical.

Fourth, as for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech, he is right: Iran is the real threat to the region and the world, not Israel’s refusal to make more land for missiles concessions to the Palestinian leadership.

Fifth, we need to pray for peace, but prepare for war.

Read Rosenberg article here;

It would appear that Rosenberg is not real optimistic about what is transpiring in Iran. I too feel for the Iranian people who just want a chance to live a decent life, but instead have to be ruled by some extremists who are having spiritual visits with the 12th Imam....which we all know to be some sort of Satanic vision.

It does appear that President Bush may have been right in planting the seeds of democracy in Iraq. He figured that once Iraq had the freedom to vote and to speak...that every one in the region would start to be envious of those freedoms and start demanding more of the same in their respective countries.

As the riots continue in Tehran as demands for a new election get shouted wonders if GWB is sitting on his rocker in Crawford, Texas saying to himself, "I kinda thought that would probably happen."

Keep praying for the Iranian people and also for the peace of Jerusalem.

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