
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Iranian Appeasement

Iranian exiles living in other lands understand what Ahmadinejad is saying. They also understand that if the West continues to seek talks with is only making things worse by giving them more time;

Maryam Rajavi, leader of the French-based National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), told Reuters that Western powers had to abandon a "policy of appeasement" if they wanted to thwart Ahmadinejad's nuclear ambitions.
"Sadly Iran will get the bomb if the West continues with its strategy of negotiations. This is just giving the mullahs more time to play with," she said in a telephone interview.

Read article here;

But Obama seems convinced that talking to Iran will certainly make things better. It may be possible that Obama is so convinced that his charm will work magic on ALL who meet him....that he simply refuses to see it any other way. Narcissists are dangerous this way because they believe in their own imaginary abilities....even when told by others, using logical examples....they refuse to accept the truth.

Read Obama wants to talk article here;

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