
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Iran May be Even More Dangerous

It appears that Ahmadinejad has won the election in Iran. Some news services are saying he won in a landslide, but the voters are saying it was all rigged. Either way, even if Ahmadinejad only believes he won... it could make him even more dangerous towards Israel, America and the world.

It's obvious that the rules of the world dictate that evil men will need to be removed by force, which means using muscle, guns and bombs. But the "no more violence" crowd simply refuses to accept the rules. So they will use peaceful means to try and change the election outcome.

Protests were planned Sunday in cities around the world, including London, Paris, New York, Sydney, Berlin, The Hague, Washington, Chicago, Los Angeles and Toronto.

Read election article here;

I think it's funny that just a few short years ago, President Bush was telling us that the Iranian regime was very dangerous and would need to be dealt with sooner than later. But the liberals accused him of warmongering and insisted that Iran was no threat. They are now 2 yrs closer to having a bomb. Ignoring problems never seems to fix them. And clicking your heals together three times while your eyes are closed and saying, "I hope the Iranian leaders change their hearts"....only works in Hollywood.

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