
Saturday, June 13, 2009

Let's Talk Some More

It will be interesting to see what the "we can talk our way around any war" crowd will do when a bully steps forward who is looking for a fight...and has absolutely nothing to play with but weapons and an army. That's exactly what is happening with North Korea.

North Korean state media issued a statement on Thursday saying that relations between the two countries (South Korea) had reached the "phase of catastrophe" and that the Kaesong complex had been "thrown into a serious crisis".

But hey, the UN can always come to the rescue and issue another sanction or write another letter. But maybe even the UN is realizing that they have to do something more?;

The UN resolution, passed on Friday, banned all weapons exports from North Korea and authorised member states to inspect sea, air and land cargo, requiring them to seize and destroy goods that violate the sanctions.

North Korea is saying that if their ships are seized they will consider it an act of this could get very interesting....and yes, will affect us here in the U.S. if a new Korean War breaks out. Remember we have a thousands of U.S. troops sitting right on the border just as they have been since 1953 when a peace agreement was signed.

Read full article here;

"....there will be wars and rumors of wars...." says Jesus when referring to the Last Days.

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