
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Iran's Crisis to Continue

It's pretty exciting to watch what is happening in Persia. The educated people want change and they are sick of a repressive government who continually talks of the 12th Imam coming and the end of the world looming. They want to watch cable, text their friends, visit relatives outside the country, and have a job with a future. So they are obviously upset.

Here's a few things to consider and we shall watch how they play out;

A) The opposition leader, Mousavi, is probably almost as fundamental as Ahmadinejad. So if the Mullahs are playing some sort of give and take game where they will finally concur to "the people's wishes"....they will put Mousavi on the throne of Iran...and he will still keep cooking bombs and planning for a war with Israel. So maybe nothing will change except the name of the president...and they people will be appeased because they will believe they actually put their candidate in power.

B) Iran is showing that it is currently weak. This may be a good time for Israel to strike Iran and delay their nuclear least by a few years.

C) Where the heck is Obama and Hilary? Shouldn't they be issuing calls of support for the Iranian people who are standing up against tyranny? Isn't that what America stands for....freedom and liberty? Shouldn't we be issuing harsh language against the Mullahs as they are beating up and killing protesters...who only are asking that their votes be counted?

D) It will be interesting to watch what the rest of the Muslim world does with the news and results coming out of Iran. Egypt, Saudi, Jordan, etc... know that they have some pretty repressive, secretive, corrupt government themselves...and may be kind of worried to let the people start asking them for accountability.

Read article here about the Iranian unrest;

Keep praying for these repressed people. Remember that current estimates tell us that about 1000 people per day in Iran alone are coming to Christ. Pray that the harvest will continue and begin to spread all over the middle east.

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