
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Wolves Amongst Sheep

Jesus told us repeatedly that Satan will be prowling around waiting to find a weak spot in our armor and he also told us that there will be wolves in sheep's clothing who are sent to destroy the flock. We should probably be paying close attention to our pastors and our seminaries because those are the people who get the call to lead the flocks.

And sure enough...if you look hard at the seminaries and headquarters of the various Christian religions....rampant unbelief in even the basic words of Christ are everywhere.

Check out what this Episcopalian elected-bishop believes;

Thew Forrester's rejection of atonement theology and his claims that the crucifixion was not the will of God were particularly troubling to some Episcopalians. According to Thew Forrester, Christ's blood doesn't wash away sin and Christ's death doesn't redeem and restore humanity. Jesus doesn't make us one with God, but simply reveals to us that we're already and always one with God, the bishop-elect maintains.

In addition to rejecting orthodox Christian teachings about the Cross, Thew Forrester denies that Satan exists, calls the Qur'an the Word of God, describes sin as being blind to our own goodness, and questions whether Jesus is truly the only begotten Son of God. A student of Zen Buddhism, Thew Forrester took Buddhist lay ordination vows and adopted a new Buddhist name—Genpo—meaning "way of universal wisdom."

Now check out what one of his supporters said;

But a Thew Forrester supporter, Wyoming Bishop Bruce Caldwell, said Thew Forrester's theology "stretches us, but not to the point of breaking."
The bishop-elect defended his liturgical and theological changes, saying they reflected the "continually evolving" Christian faith.
"What we've done is quite responsible and appropriate, and indeed the church needs to do it in order to stay relevant in the 21st century," he said.

Did you catch that?? " order to stay relevant...." Let's translate that; "As society changes and falls further away from God, we should try and change the word of God and the statements of Christ to make the religion more appealing and popular."

Read full article here;

But God will always keep a remnant of true believers who uphold His word as unerring and unchanging. It appears that remnant may not come from the Episcopal church.

Hat tip to Mark P.

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