
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Chaos and the 12th Imam

Many of you remember the name Rick Santorum. He was the republican U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania who lost the election, but not because he lacked understanding. He has a great article in the Philadelphia paper today and is talking very openly of what we have been saying for some time now....Iran may be seeking global chaos because of the eschatological beliefs that the 12th Imam is soon coming.

Twelvers believe the Mahdi will emerge from hiding - with Jesus - when the world has fallen into chaos and civil strife, and that he will establish Shia Islam across the globe. Ahmadinejad has said, "Our revolution's main mission is to pave the way for the reappearance of the 12th imam, the Mahdi."

Ahmadinejad speaks of the return of the 12th imam in many of his speeches. To the consternation of the ayatollahs, he has even said the Mahdi has communicated with him personally. And he has spent heavily on road and civic improvements along the route the Mahdi is expected to travel when he returns - from the Iranian city where the imam is to reappear, Qom, to the capital, Tehran.

Read full article here;

So when will the world wake up and realize that this regime is one of the most dangerous weapons that Satan currently has against the Jews and the Christians. They can't be allowed to have a nuclear bomb.

Let's hope Obama seizes this moment in history. If not, he will be left with two choices: working with Netanyahu to defang an emboldened Ahmadinejad-led Iran, or, some day, explaining to a world in chaos and war why he did not.

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