
Friday, June 19, 2009

Stories from Iran

Make no mistake, there is a showdown coming in Iran. It's already been bloody, but it may get a lot worse. The people who are pushing for democracy and freedom and demanding that their votes be counted have now been warned by the Supreme Leader that they better quit protesting the elections...or else. In a land where they hang gay people, beat women in the streets and torture opponents,... "or else" could mean a lot of nasty stuff.

Read article here;

The Wall Street Journal today has stories sent in from Iran. The stories are sent from regular people who are joining in the demonstrations or simply hanging out in their dorm rooms. And they know that something big is going on in their country.

I live in the dorms at Tehran University. I was asleep when Basij militiamen entered my room early Monday morning, demolished everything and started beating us. A man with a long beard broke my notebook and said: "It is destroyed, this book that you were using against Islam and Ahmadinejad."

They beat students more when they saw posters of Mousavi in their rooms. And they carried big knives and guns.
They also attacked the women's dormitory next door. The Supreme Leader calls us rioters, but I want to ask him: How can sleeping women in their beds be rioters? Is this the Islamic justice he believes in?

President Obama's speech was good; he says that he will support us. They beat students more when they saw posters of Mousavi in their rooms. And they carried big knives and guns.
They also attacked the women's dormitory next door. The Supreme Leader calls us rioters, but I want to ask him: How can sleeping women in their beds be rioters? Is this the Islamic justice he believes in?

President Obama's speech was good; he says that he will support us. He also said that nations must decide the fate of their countries by themselves. I agree with him, but now we don't have any power to change the situation, so we need help and attention.

Read full article here;

Isn't that interesting?? I wonder what the leader of the free world (Obama) will do to help these poor people who desperately desire freedom....but need help since they have no guns or power? Obviously, the majority of people in Iraq felt the same way and they also needed our help to get rid of Saddam.....and the liberals had a major cow. Even to this day, while the positive signs keep emerging from Iraq....the liberals will probably never acknowledge or admit any success in Iraq.
I just wonder under what circumstances a liberal WOULD pick up a gun? I mean really....what good is it being the world's only super-power if you won't use our military to spread freedom?

Thank you Jesus that we live in a country where we don't have to worry about being beaten up by Government sponsored thugs. I pray that you will keep it that way until you return. Amen.

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