
Sunday, June 28, 2009

More Threats From Syria

We have talked about the Golan Heights and how Israel took this strategic piece of land from Syria in the defensive war Israel fought with them in 1967. Syria has never forgotten this chunk of land and it has always been their main point of contention in any "peace" talks with Israel. Personally, I don't believe Israel will ever give it back and I don't think they should...considering the attacks that Syria launched from this high point against the Jews.

During a ceremony Saturday inaugurating a new communications center in Kuneitra, the Syrian town closest to the border with Israel, the Syrian Committee for the Liberation of the Golan threatened to take practical measures to return the Golan to Syrian control, adding that Israel was not showing any willingness to negotiate the return of the territory in peace talks.

Read full article here;

Remember Isaiah 17 says a day is coming when Damascus will be laid into rubble and will never be inhabited again. The bible seems clear that this result will be at the hands of Israel. Could this day be coming soon?

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