
Monday, June 29, 2009

What if U.S. Collapses?

As we have discussed, all civilizations collapse at some is a fact. Witness the Roman Empire 2000 years ago, Grecian empire, the Ottoman empire, the Soviet Union, the British empire. How about the United States? What set of events will lead to our demise?

Interestingly enough, this Russian professor has given this topic considerable thought and was an eyewitness to the events of the Soviet collapse. He wrote this talk, with a corresponding slide show, back in 2006 that focuses on the similarities and differences of the Soviet Union's collapse with what will transpire for the U.S.

There is a ton of information in this article so I won't try and summarize it here, but I will say that when he speaks of, "Delusions of grandeur prevent honest discussion of problems" as a characteristic that pre-collapse societies really struck a chord with me. Simply put, the citizens of the society simply REFUSE to believe that their lifestyles will ever change. Why? logical reason....they simply refuse to entertain the thought. So the unsolvable problems simply compound and the unsustainable spending continues to grow exponentially...until one day a trigger happens....and the entire things snowballs out of control. When that happens, it happens really a flood.

I hope and pray that the Lord will return for His bride before we witness these events, but certainly there is no guarantee of that. It may be the best tool for the harvest of souls that there is. After all, it's only when we are stripped away of every comfortable thing that we will finally look to God for His care.

You can read this presentation here;

Continue to pray for our country that a revival of the Holy Spirit would break out and that we will seek His He can heal our land. Also continue to pray that Jesus will return soon to take us to our real home.

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