
Saturday, June 6, 2009

No You Can't!

Obama's campaign slogan was "Yes we can!" Some protesters in Israel are saying the opposite as they blanch against Obama telling them what must happen in their country. Man, this guy acts like he is king of the world! More foreshadowing of the anti-christ.

"Mr. Obama, we started demonstrating 16 years ago," said Rabbi Shalom Gold, the founder of Kehillat Zichron Ya'acov in Jerusalem's Har Nof neighborhood, alluding to the early days of the Oslo Accords. "You were in your '30s and you probably didn't know the first thing about Eretz Yisrael... but we're part of God's divine plan, we're here and we're staying here!"
"Be a friend of Israel, but even if you won't be, we have the greatest ally in the world," he said, pointing to the heavens.

Read full article here;

If you view the article above, you will see a picture-poster that the protesters were carrying. It's a picture of Ahmadinejad shaking hands with Obama while a nuclear mushroom cloud forms in the background. The poster says, "Yes we can!"

Remember, Israel is a secular nation. Very few are in the country are religious and plugged into understanding the Jew and Israel in God's eternal plan. So when the Rabbi above says, "but we are part of God's divine plan!"....the rest of the country has no clue what he is talking about and I'm sure these protesters were dismissed as lunatics.

This could be more foreshadowing of what is coming for secular America. As Christians quote the bible as a reason to be pro-life....we are dismissed as lunatics. As preachers tell parishioners to "repent or die!"....they are dismissed as lunatics. And when you talk about the rapture of the church and quote the bible, "one will be taken the other one left"....we are dismissed as lunatics.

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