
Friday, June 5, 2009

Who's Afraid of 2012?

If you do a search on this blog for 2012, you will discover that we have written about it in the past. Lot's of strange things from lots of diverse places are being predicted. Of course, followers of Christ and avid bible readers know that "no one will know the day or the hour", so in no way, shape or form am I believing that any of this 2012 chatter is from the bible. I do believe it is all coming from the "father of all lies," who loves to sew seeds of fear, doubt and confusion.

Also, it would be possible that Satan realizes that we in the season of the Day of the Lord (which commences with the rapture of the church) so he is preparing all sorts of deceptive plans and will choose the one that fits best based on when the rapture occurs. For example...if the rapture happened yesterday, he might point to the crop circles and alien sites and have the anti-christ tell the left-behind world that Christians were all taken by the "aliens" for reprograming.

If the rapture happens in 2012, he might point to the Mayan calendar and have the anti-christ tell the world that Chezachotal (the feathered serpent god) took all the Christians because they failed to believe in the Mayan's god return.

If it happens in 2011, he may point to the increasing solar storms and tell the world we were all beamed into some strange portal by some incredible solar storm.

If it happens in 2010, he might point to the world's preparation for the return of Maitreya, and say that Maitreya took some people to teach them the secrets of the universe.

You get the idea.

So this article that appeared in the Star Tribune this past week is very interesting to me. It's headline is WHO'S AFRAID OF 2012?

Check out what this professor had to say when asked why people worry about the apocolypse;

"It's fear of death," said Harvey Sarles, professor of Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature at the University of Minnesota. Doomsday anxiety goes way back. It's a product of Western thought and religious tradition, he said -- basically, the stories of Christianity and Islam and the focus on death and getting back to heaven."

And how about this paragraph that talks of us Christians hoping to soon be a pile of clothes;

Indeed, cataclysm and destruction predictions fit well with some Christian interpretations of the Bible's Book of Revelation, according to Sarles. The current financial upheaval, natural disasters, flu epidemic -- even the disappearance of honeybees -- are seen as runups to the main 2012 event, according to some Christian websites. They see the four horsemen of the apocalypse closing in, and they welcome it. The second coming of Christ is near, they believe, and they'll soon be a pile of clothes on empty shoes after they're Raptured.

Read full article here;

So the author doesn't quite get what we Christians are watching for and why we are watching. But one thing for sure, the author will be VERY surprised, confused and sorry when in fact, "two men are standing in a field. One is taken, the other is left."

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