
Monday, June 8, 2009

Obama is Sort of God

As the foreshadowing of the anti-christ is reaching a whole new level with the editor of Newsweek.

Newsweek editor Evan Thomas brought adulation over President Obama’s Cairo speech to a whole new level on Friday, declaring on MSNBC: "I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."

or this;

Thomas elaborated on Obama as God, patronizingly explaining: "He's going to bring all different sides together...Obama is trying to sort of tamper everything down. He doesn't even use the word terror. He uses extremism. He's all about let us reason together...He's the teacher. He is going to say, ‘now, children, stop fighting and quarreling with each other.’ And he has a kind of a moral authority that he – he can – he can do that." In response, Matthews wondered: "If there's a world election between him and Osama Bin Laden, he's running a good campaign." Thomas agreed: "Yes, he is."

Read the full article here;

Friends, it sure appears that the mainstream media has already drunk the kool-aid. They may have fallen under the spell...because the lack of what they are doing to hold the Obama administration accountable for what it is saying and so illogical that it must be supernatural.

Hat tip Mike G.

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