
Monday, June 8, 2009

Syrian Uranium

In this little blurb we find that a UN watchdog has found traces of man made uranium at a second site in Syria.

The U.N. nuclear watchdog has discovered traces of "man made" uranium at a second site in Syria, FOX News has confirmed, causing fresh concern about possible undeclared atomic activity in the Arab state.

Read article here;,2933,525233,00.html

This is worth watching because the bible says that Syria's capital will one day be laid waste and uninhabited. Could this be fulfilled if Israel finally gets to the point where they will decide they can no longer exist with their ancient enemies the Assyrians? I believe the Syrians will never rest until they have the Golan Heights back in their possession...and Israel will never let that happen. So it seems the stage has already been set and well in place for continual conflict....until Damascus, one day, is no more.

Hat tip to Julie E.

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