Friday, June 12, 2009

Porn Like a Flood

Not too long ago, a man (or woman) had to go looking for perversion. Today, perversion seeks us a hungry lion, waiting to devour. Evidence this attached article that pornographers have hidden porn clips inside children's videos on Youtube.

See article here;

So now our poor children have porn clips on their cellphones, they talk dirty to each other on text messaging and they have access to every perverted image they should never imagine seeing...and they never have to leave their home.

Even more perverted, the porn industry is working hard on robotic women so men can buy "sex machines" and have interactive sex with women from all over the world. Certainly it will take adultery to a whole new level. Now I you think such perversion will be GOOD for traditional marriage? Will it help build an intimate relationship with Christ?

And I ask again...what is it going to take to make things better for this decadent, broke, apathetic, world in which we live? Or is it becoming obvious to everyone that things WON'T get better. They are decaying and coming to an end right before our very eyes.

Quickly...come Lord Jesus.


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