
Monday, July 6, 2009

2012- The Movie

We have posted much about 2012. Remember....this has NOTHING to do with what the bible says. The bible says we won't know the day or the hour. But the ancient Mayans were given (developed?) a calendar about 1500 years ago that has proven accurate to the second even to this very day. The strange thing is that this calendar ends on December 21, 2012. Their prophecy says that a feathered-serpent-god is going to return to earth on that day and basically wipe out everything. Strangely enough, the planets will be aligning on that day in a way that they haven't for thousands of years. The Mayans say that the alignment of planets will create a portal in space for this god to return through.

Hollywood has caught onto this story and coming in November of 2009, you can watch the catastrophe film of the year at theatres everywhere.

Watch the trailer here;

Why do I tell you this? Because the secular world believes that something large is going on and Satan has been paving the way for deception on a VERY GRAND scale.

It is now time to harvest souls for Christ. We have The Truth. The world is left with Mayan calendars, Nostradamus predictions, solar storm predictions, and many more postulations about what is coming. "I came to bring the Truth, and The Truth will set you free."

Hat tip to Dave G. for movie site.

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