
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Pope Calls for New World Order

The pope was on his podium today and he has much to say about the need for a new world economic order. This is prophetic on at least two fronts. First is that this call is coming from Rome. We watch Rome because we believe that during the Tribulation, a lot of power will be coming from Rome and the anti-christ will very likely be sitting over that power. You can read about this in the book of Daniel.

The second front is that the article talks about a "New world order". The bible is clear that in the Last Days there will be an intense push for a "one world order". When this happens, it will make it more feasible for the anti-christ to seize the reigns of this powerful, global government.

Benedict also called for a reform of the United Nations so that there can be a unified “global political body” that allows the less powerful of the earth to have a voice, and called on rich nations to help less fortunate ones.

Read full article here;

We are definitely seeing more activity on this prophetic table. We know that one day on planet earth, the mark of the beast will be required to buy or sell anything. In order for that to come true, the beast will need a way to monitor all the citizens under his control...and getting the entire globe under one system will be the first big step.

Where will we be during this difficult time playing out on planet earth?? It is our great hope that we will be with our bridegroom, Jesus Christ, and we will be touring the wonderful mansions that he has prepared for us all.

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